Quick Tips: Campground Marketing Collateral

In my last post I shared why marketing is important and how to implement marketing strategies for your campground. With marketing, you need marketing collateral. I discussed a few types of marketing collateral such as rack cards, websites, and campground maps to consider when developing your marketing strategy. In this blog, I want to dive into those just a little deeper with some quick tips on developing your collateral.

First and Foremost

Always, always, always remember to keep your information up to date! Nothing is more frustrating for a potential guest to see old photos and information. Also, you’ll want to be sure you add new information and upgrades. Did your park just get Wifi? Make sure you highlight it for folks working on the road.

Rack cards and brochures are what people will find at other businesses such as Welcome Centers, gas stations, Chamber of Commerce, etc. It is likely your card will be among a dozen or so other rack cards, so make sure your rack card is easy to read and catching someone’s eye. Here are some simple tips to remember when designing your cards/brochures:

  • Highlight key features (Use elements like larger font, bold font, bullet points, color)
  • Identify your location “Close to Downtown” or ‘Five miles from *LOCAL ATTRACTION*’ and show this on a map! (People are visual!)
  • Pictures! A picture is worth a thousand words. Make sure your pictures are high quality and show people enjoying your campground (no stock images).  Make the viewer want to visit your campground!
  • Don’t put too much information. No one will read a paragraph but can skim bullet points and images.
  • And of course, easy to find contact/booking information such as your website and phone number.

Campground Website and Social Media

Websites are a great place for people to find you months in advance of their trip. Websites and social media are important because they are easier to update than print materials. Many people researching and planning a trip on the internet will want quick results and easy to book campgrounds.

  • Place your ‘Book Now’ or ‘Reserve Now’ button as many places as possible on your website. With this button, allow the user to book immediately with an online reservation. Gone are the days of calling campgrounds and pen and paper bookings. People can browse the internet at 2am and still book their site—if you make them wait to call until your office opens, they will forget and move on.
  • People who visit campgrounds are on the move! Make sure your website is mobile friendly.
  • Again, pictures! People enjoying seeing what your campground is like and where they will be staying. Have images of general amenities, sites, and people enjoying your campground.
  • Along with images, visitors want to get a feel for the land. Have a campground map and area map. Highlight local attractions, amenities, etc.
  • Clearly list your rules and amenities!
  • Share on social media—images, get your campers to post / use a hashtag, reminders for upcoming events, specials or last minute cancelations.
  • Want to start a blog? Be consistent and post short, easy to read content.
  • Add an option to sign up for your e-newsletter. It is important visitors OPT-IN for this, as you cannot contact people who haven’t signed up for your communications. Don’t email too often and provide actionable and interesting content.

Welcome Packet and Campground Maps

When your visitor arrives, you still can get your customer’s attention and make a connection. What are you including in your welcome packet for visitors? Keep it simple, but make sure you are providing important information.

  • Consistency! Make sure your branding matches what someone saw on your website or rack card. Also make sure information is consistent across all platforms.
  • Make important information such as emergency contacts, hospital locations, etc. is easy to find (Bold, in a box/call out)
  • Include a list of area attractions, restaurants, and shops. Include websites and discounts if possible.
  • Campground rules in an easy-to-read format. Icons, bullet points, etc.
  • Don’t forget your campground map! This visual representation of your campground is an important piece to help guide the visitor where they need to go, but also helps with safety of your campground. Highlight amenities, clearly mark roads, landmarks, and sites.

When creating marketing collateral, it is important to be smart, strategic, and consistent. Use your branding and make the collateral appealing to your target audience. Smart marketing collateral can go a long way, so if you are feeling overwhelmed with the idea of managing your social media channels, building a website, or designing your campground map, outsourcing is a great option. Hiring a freelance professional that knows marketing best practices will be a great return on investment for your business.

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